Record: 72-54 / 1st place / SciFi and Fantasy League
Tatooine Sandcrawlers



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Symbaern 0.84 Shinsnapper 0.13 Devilpoker 2.61 Perom -0.24 Foxburr -0.59 the Goblin Killer -0.78 *Skywalker 11.16 the Goblin Killer -0.40 Eyriendor -2.60 Giantthrottler -0.76 Eavesdropper 4.65 Greenthumb -2.31 Gwaelon 1.56 Nightstar 0.07 Headstrong -2.36 Greenthumb 1.72
Note: Top two players by innings played at each position, minimum 10 IP