SGCBL Team Leaderboard

Batting for All Teams, 2003-2049 seasons
Start Yr:
End Yr:

Batting Average
Tatooine TAT 0.282
Gallifrey GAL 0.274
Diagon Alley DA 0.273
Narnia NAR 0.273
Karak Kadrin KK 0.272
Forgotten Realms FR 0.270
Babylon Five B5 0.269
Xanth XAN 0.268
Dyson DYS 0.267
Intergalactic INT 0.267
On Base %
Tatooine TAT 0.352
Forgotten Realms FR 0.347
Diagon Alley DA 0.346
Gallifrey GAL 0.346
Karak Kadrin KK 0.345
Dyson DYS 0.340
Narnia NAR 0.340
Land of Oz OZ 0.340
Star Fleet Academy SFA 0.340
Serenity Valley SV 0.339
Slugging %
Dyson DYS 0.445
Tatooine TAT 0.444
Forgotten Realms FR 0.443
Diagon Alley DA 0.439
Land of Oz OZ 0.437
Gallifrey GAL 0.436
Bucklebury BUC 0.436
Karak Kadrin KK 0.436
Xanth XAN 0.435
Star Fleet Academy SFA 0.435
Tatooine TAT 0.796
Forgotten Realms FR 0.791
Diagon Alley DA 0.785
Dyson DYS 0.784
Gallifrey GAL 0.782
Karak Kadrin KK 0.782
Land of Oz OZ 0.777
Star Fleet Academy SFA 0.775
Xanth XAN 0.772
Bucklebury BUC 0.771
Minas Morgul MIN 1,234.59
Dead Marshes DM 1,217.01
Ravenhill RAV 1,184.63
Isengard ISE 1,162.27
Misty Mountain MM 1,146.63
Bree BRE 1,113.95
Bucklebury BUC 1,109.21
Mirkwood MIR 1,092.37
Old Forest OF 1,010.07
Lake Town LT 967.46
Tatooine TAT 219.39
Old Forest OF 136.47
Dyson DYS 111.50
Forgotten Realms FR 100.33
Bree BRE 100.28
Gallifrey GAL 100.09
Rivendell RIV 94.71
Diagon Alley DA 88.41
Bywater BYW 88.03
Ravenhill RAV 87.94
Isolated Power
Dyson DYS 0.178
Forgotten Realms FR 0.173
Land of Oz OZ 0.172
Old Forest OF 0.172
Bucklebury BUC 0.170
Star Fleet Academy SFA 0.170
Chiba City CC 0.169
Intergalactic INT 0.168
Diagon Alley DA 0.167
Bree BRE 0.167
Tatooine TAT 0.347
Forgotten Realms FR 0.345
Diagon Alley DA 0.343
Gallifrey GAL 0.342
Karak Kadrin KK 0.342
Dyson DYS 0.341
Star Fleet Academy SFA 0.339
Land of Oz OZ 0.339
Bucklebury BUC 0.338
Xanth XAN 0.337
Bucklebury BUC 38,303.34
Bree BRE 37,965.99
Mirkwood MIR 37,254.82
Old Forest OF 36,799.01
Isengard ISE 36,655.88
Lake Town LT 36,136.07
Rivendell RIV 35,605.31
Bywater BYW 35,397.98
Dead Marshes DM 35,198.79
Minas Morgul MIN 35,130.90
Mirkwood MIR 71,878
Bucklebury BUC 71,563
Isengard ISE 71,227
Bree BRE 71,016
Dead Marshes DM 69,948
Lake Town LT 69,790
Misty Mountain MM 69,228
Minas Morgul MIN 68,929
Rivendell RIV 68,876
Minas Tirith MT 68,214
Minas Morgul MIN 13,725
Dunharrow DUN 13,422
Erebor ERE 13,053
Bree BRE 13,046
Grey Havens GH 12,858
Rivendell RIV 12,770
Isengard ISE 12,734
Mirkwood MIR 12,692
Old Forest OF 12,665
Lake Town LT 12,615
Bree BRE 1,786
Mirkwood MIR 1,734
Minas Morgul MIN 1,688
Grey Havens GH 1,624
Minas Tirith MT 1,591
Misty Mountain MM 1,581
Dunharrow DUN 1,539
Old Forest OF 1,504
Dol Guldur DG 1,495
Bywater BYW 1,486
Home Runs
Bucklebury BUC 10,331
Old Forest OF 9,863
Bree BRE 9,446
Moria MRA 9,121
Rivendell RIV 9,106
Lake Town LT 9,083
Ravenhill RAV 8,892
Minas Ithil MI 8,826
Dead Marshes DM 8,777
Mirkwood MIR 8,661
At Bats
Mirkwood MIR 270,472
Isengard ISE 269,926
Bree BRE 269,740
Bucklebury BUC 269,164
Lake Town LT 268,117
Misty Mountain MM 266,243
Minas Tirith MT 265,579
Dead Marshes DM 265,483
Erebor ERE 265,014
Minas Morgul MIN 264,258
Plate Appearances
Isengard ISE 303,869
Bree BRE 303,069
Mirkwood MIR 302,708
Bucklebury BUC 300,758
Lake Town LT 299,970
Misty Mountain MM 299,542
Minas Morgul MIN 297,018
Dead Marshes DM 296,491
Old Forest OF 296,460
Dunharrow DUN 296,048
Bree BRE 39,437
Bucklebury BUC 39,035
Mirkwood MIR 38,662
Old Forest OF 37,831
Isengard ISE 37,707
Lake Town LT 37,097
Rivendell RIV 36,514
Bywater BYW 36,223
Dead Marshes DM 36,214
Misty Mountain MM 35,925
Runs Batted In
Bree BRE 37,953
Bucklebury BUC 37,648
Mirkwood MIR 37,337
Old Forest OF 36,491
Isengard ISE 36,355
Lake Town LT 35,626
Rivendell RIV 35,172
Bywater BYW 34,917
Dead Marshes DM 34,772
Misty Mountain MM 34,573
Dol Guldur DG 58,906
Dagorlad DAG 57,404
Grey Havens GH 56,769
Carrock CAR 56,667
Numenor NUM 56,657
Lake Town LT 56,492
Dead Marshes DM 56,188
Isengard ISE 56,132
Moria MRA 56,110
Bywater BYW 56,009
Bree BRE 28,018
Bywater BYW 27,842
Old Forest OF 27,465
Isengard ISE 27,409
Ravenhill RAV 27,357
Dunharrow DUN 26,927
Lake Town LT 26,871
Minas Morgul MIN 26,819
Moria MRA 26,718
Mirkwood MIR 26,683
Stolen Bases
Bree BRE 6,927
Mirkwood MIR 6,652
Bywater BYW 6,254
Moria MRA 5,597
Misty Mountain MM 5,429
Lake Town LT 5,358
Dead Marshes DM 5,092
Grey Havens GH 5,072
Minas Tirith MT 4,896
Isengard ISE 4,860