Record: 81-81 / 3rd place / Tolkien Baseball
Bree Cheese



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Historical Team WAR (2037)

Pos Player Pitching WAR
SP Galildur Belondir -0.94
SP Herugar Took -0.53
RP Gamell the Miller -0.53
SP Camelia Dap -0.34
RP Grudak Dryadslicer -0.15
SP Valandil Elölindë -0.13
CL Kate Roadapple -0.11
RP Boreron Paredes -0.10
RP Holfast Black -0.01
SP Nicholas Bramblebush -0.01
CL Florbis Elóthien 0.01
RP Ahskahala Elassidil 0.03
RP Namak Bloodbelly 0.04
RP Kim Beläldur 0.48
SP Phanra Grean 0.51
CL Betsie Muddyfoot 0.69
SP Halir Throatprodder 1.08
SP Por the Crusher 1.52
RP Godush Ettincrawler 1.54
SP Edmund Boroden 1.90
RP Sjors the Slobberer 1.93
SP Meriamli Rockcrusher 7.28