Record: 72-60 / 2nd place / SGCBL Triple A
Osgiliath Captains (AAA)



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Team ZR

Hlarr 2.62 Tinalind 0.59 the Slanderous -0.33 Nailslobberer 1.87 Ballscarer 1.75 Kokawa 0.44 Gollailob 1.83 the Devastator -0.46 Gollailob 3.87 Cavernmaker -0.97 Perom 0.88 the Insane 1.22 Reguera -1.96 Maqashvili -0.00 Mancinas -0.93 Maher 3.10
Note: Top two players by innings played at each position, minimum 10 IP