Record: 73-47 / 1st place / SGCBL Low A
Belegost Huorns (S A)



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Team ZR

Salinero -1.25 Foularm 0.63 Starglance -2.57 Heartcutter 0.50 Hussain -1.46 Tusilsson 0.26 the Terror -0.45 Metalhowler 0.75 Metalhowler -2.27 Derrohammer 1.92 Celuthor 3.53 Lokrisson 1.48 Liverdicer 4.43 the Seer -1.62 Erashev 2.97 Lokrisson -0.08
Note: Top two players by innings played at each position, minimum 10 IP