Record: 66-54 / 2nd place / SGCBL Low A
Ondosto Sabres (S A)



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Team ZR

Dwarfpunisher 1.50 the Goblin Killer -0.06 the Plunderer 1.85 Trollthrottler 1.35 Ildacer -1.32 Starslobberer -0.18 Proudneck -1.11 Barries -0.26 Fatani -2.33 Wurzburg -2.61 Willow 0.17 Kadlec -0.71 Elfplate -1.02 Headpunisher -0.30 Ilbenalu -2.38 Boreagrin -2.36
Note: Top two players by innings played at each position, minimum 10 IP