Record: 74-52 / 1st place / SciFi and Fantasy League
New New York Blernsballers



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Historical Team WAR (2045)

Pos Player Batting WAR
2B Deniagrin Summerstars -0.61
SS Rockwater Perom -0.16
C Lucas Orcmaker -0.14
1B Rory Brown 0.02
2B Merimac Sackville 0.06
C Will Headstrong 0.27
LF Zdeno Firita 0.34
RF Eibe Salsameda 0.36
C Velaethaunyl Larenthanil 0.44
CF Justen Bledel 0.56
RF Sadish Heartwalker 0.60
1B Babo Peatfingers 0.73
LF Kyung-bae Notwise 0.84
3B Zuvia Orama 1.02
3B Dora Tunnelly 3.15
LF Ki-heung Ni-Tessine 4.76
Pos Player Pitching WAR
RP Bodo Grubb -0.25
P Velaethaunyl Larenthanil -0.15
RP Éloi Saul 0.04
CL Bogak Cavernshaker 0.22
RP Phaior Grimm 0.23
RP Kikpurui Legeolas 0.44
RP Belladonna Oramos 0.67
RP Gazment Saballos 0.67
SP James Whitfoot 0.73
SP Glodzush Bonedragger 1.80
CL Haffy Fumlefot 1.94
SP Jay *Frieswirth 2.45
SP Lungwen of the Lone Lands 3.81
SP Frugorn Coronda 7.78
SP Rafee Bayle 7.99