Record: 52-74 / 4th place / SciFi and Fantasy League
Gallifrey Time Lords



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Team WAR

Pos Player Pitching WAR
RP Cara Batoshevicky -0.72
RP Wonai the Squasher -0.49
SP Krabgunk Nosehammer -0.37
SP Celomer Celorfindel -0.28
RP Peromer Saberano -0.16
RP Tornik Oakwood -0.13
RP Jayan Merelo -0.10
RP Afaghis Yue -0.08
RP Dora Black -0.03
CL Merry Bracegirdle -0.00
SP Gurg Toemasher 0.04
RP Lavinia Bunce 0.08
RP Pong-keun Klim 0.29
SP Ichiro Gardener 0.40
RP Everard Sillybottom 0.41
SP Lantina Orlovsky 0.55
RP Frodo Holgate 1.06
SP Ikag Nosethrottler 1.37
SP Nuzgurg the Hated 1.45
RP Noor Bojórquez 2.43
SP Antenor Stînga 3.09