Record: 66-60 / 2nd place / SciFi and Fantasy League
Andelain Giants



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Andelain (SFL)
Pos Name Injury Days Left IL Status
P Ghorbog the Seer 252 days Not on IL
P Herugar Gamgee 155 days Not on IL
Manticore (SFLAAA)
Pos Name Injury Days Left IL Status
No injuries

Major League IL Season Summary - Days and $
Pos Name Salary IL Days $ on IL
P Ghorbog the Seer $400k 35 $77.3k
P Déagol Bracewaith $8M 6 $265k
P Kipkoskei Ayende $1.86M 29 $298k
3B Mist Kuaika $890k 29 $142k
P Cosimo Holeman $780k 105 $452k
P Herugar Gamgee $400k 12 $26.5k
P Lumja Tyriand $560k 42 $129k
Total on IL 258 days $1.39M