Record: 86-76 / 2nd place / Tolkien Baseball
Ravenhill Darkwings



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Ravenhill Darkwings Staff
Name Age Occupation Experience
Moggek Ghoulslobberer 65 Manager 10
Meriadoc Hilldweller 42 Bench Coach 3
Gameodriel Tinalinde 56 Pitching Coach 7
Porto Mulhall 51 Hitting Coach 8
Mosin Goldcutter 56 1st Base Coach 0
Vosil the Naughty 51 3rd Base Coach 7
Brentt Troublefinder 39 Assistant GM 7
Kristine Moisilsson 50 Trainer 4
Boredriel Lómäldor 74 Owner 14
Pleasant Vale Stallions Staff
Name Age Occupation Experience
Mirugast Rondonwyn 61 Manager 5
Luuruk Brainslasher 51 Pitching Coach 4
Grong Trollthrottler 54 Hitting Coach 4
Highland Colts Staff
Name Age Occupation Experience
Arweowyn Celiomir 55 Manager 2
Elrealob Legilmalith 52 Pitching Coach 3
Glamli Chiselarm 45 Hitting Coach 3
Prairie Hill Ponies Staff
Name Age Occupation Experience
Hofur Cloudeye 52 Manager 3
L. Rhond *Hubbard 51 Pitching Coach 3
Gottfried Pennypacker 49 Hitting Coach 12
Ethring Red Foxes Staff
Name Age Occupation Experience
Gandemir Elróril 54 Manager 4
Lanja Elreoma 47 Pitching Coach 0
Tom Bird 43 Hitting Coach 0
Ondosto Lookouts Staff
Name Age Occupation Experience
Gollomer Giantmasher 48 Manager 1
Snarky Leaflover 55 Pitching Coach 4
Isumbras Bauwyn 54 Hitting Coach 2
Note: Salary info is available only to league members