Award | Date | Team |
Player of the Week | Sep 17, 2018 | Dagorlad (SGCBL) |
May 1, 2017 | Dagorlad (SGCBL) |
Player | Score |
Silla Glarion R | 949 |
Roberto Arostegui R | 928 |
Savia Gàril R | 918 |
Halildur Tunnelbender R | 917 |
Braddock the Fell R | 914 |
Mumsh Toothkicker R | 914 |
Durg the Tough R | 912 |
Grink Gnomedragger R | 909 |
Asphodel Brockhouse R | 907 |
Grotluk the Ugly R | 906 |
Year | Lg | SF | Rank |
2018 | SGCBL | 7 | 8 |