Award | Date | Team |
MVP / Batter of the Year | 2039 (3rd) | Spacely (SFLAAA) |
All-Star | 2023 | Almaida HS (None) |
Gold Glove | 2039 - 1B | Spacely (SFLAAA) |
2029 - 1B | Khand (AA) | |
2028 - 1B | Mount Doom (A+) | |
2027 - 1B | Mount Doom (A+) | |
Batter of the Month | Jul 2040 | Z'ha'dum (SFLAAA) |
Player of the Week | Aug 2, 2027 | Mount Doom (A+) |
Player | Score |
Dejahlla Fadrielinde | 994 |
Esmerelda Underhill R | 986 |
Zudmuk Gaulf | 980 |
Myrthor Legedur R | 979 |
Truzrub Propwarrior | 979 |
Galdur Megilion R | 979 |
Shiborn Sarilf R | 976 |
Griprak of Valinor R | 976 |
Roibur Silvermover R | 976 |
Posco Moss R | 975 |