Record: 62-64 / 4th place / SciFi and Fantasy League
Star Fleet Academy Cadets



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Historical Team WAR (2028)

Pos Player Batting WAR
2B Ariadriel Nithrandel -0.24
3B Esmerelda Bolger -0.20
SS Tobi Dap -0.19
C Tavalia Lómeldur -0.14
SS Turis Cleaze -0.10
SS Gromghash Moonripper -0.09
LF Aredoc Vardamir -0.07
1B Elanor Goodrich -0.03
C Vral the Squeaker -0.02
LF Thigol Smiaron 0.00
RF Huuol the Devastator 0.36
RF Nim Oathsmelter 0.63
C Beama Elathien 1.45
1B Eaigrin Mereamli 1.73
2B Dennald Greeson 1.97
CF Irwin Stanton 2.28
LF Dirk Gently 2.35
CF Tuugash the Clutcher 2.83
3B Anton Valentin 3.08
LF Ysabrylla Boffin 5.03
Pos Player Pitching WAR
SP Mugor Giantthrottler -0.19
SP Serin Cavernback Jr -0.19
RP Glen Mays -0.03
SP Winford Duenastim -0.01
SP Teril the Wizened 0.02
SP Tanta Green 0.44
SP Borauhir Faromli 0.48
RP Sraggek Toothbelly 0.49
RP Phaija Peremral 0.53
RP Dante Mock 0.55
SP Daisy the Stutterer 0.66
RP Legil Legàriand 0.68
CL Ulbis Sellars 0.73
SP Ivey the Pillager 1.05
CL Huugdish Gnomebasher 1.06
CL Gandealas Fáldur 1.88
SP Perry Mason 2.58