Record: 26-20 / 1st place / SGCBL College
Deephallow College Snakes (COL)


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Historical Team WAR (2019)

Pos Player Batting WAR
CF Saia Gamialf -0.18
1B Koprak the Evil -0.09
LF Florus Elorfimbor -0.03
CF Tobi Knotwise 0.12
1B Isembard Green 0.14
CF Esmerelda Mulhall 0.27
3B Sruulak Earthcrawler 0.27
1B Thuvvia Denilf 0.28
SS Tanta Tussle 0.48
C Fraugol Yoder 0.82
LF Randy Keisler 0.83
C Thror Grudgeslayer 0.95
3B Durg Toothbelly 1.07
CF Brandon Burrus 1.79
Pos Player Pitching WAR
RP Legilhil the Disreputabkl 0.02
RP Dejtina Elvülith 0.31
SP Tofur Trollcutter 0.33
RP Camelia Brownlock 0.41
SP Hob Kendrick 2.14