SGCBL Stat of the Day

Most Intentional Walks without a Home Run
Player Team Year Age PA IBB
Fay Goodrich LOT 2027 33 327 7
Nicholas Pennypacker ISE 2038 27 265 6
James Miller ISE 2030 28 151 6
Idris of East Greenway TAT 2042 32 498 6
Lilith *Blackbark MIN 2026 24 560 5
Tigmina Dibble MI 2027 24 184 5
Gorbadoc Trample DG 2028 23 155 5
Glullyn Gainer MIN 2044 26 236 5
Biaron Galulinde MM 2035 33 302 5
Gudur Degen ISE 2042 34 232 5
Tika Hornblower DW 2024 33 382 5
Tigseen Tyriand XAN,GH,DYS,RAV 2039 28 458 5
Adaldrida Greenwald LOT 2045 23 226 5
Lyric Portaga MIN 2016 31 233 4
Snarly *Zottmiester WT 2043 35 334 4
Fareand Megilion MIN 2029 34 549 4
Fareand Megilion MIN 2030 35 513 4
Fareand Megilion MIN 2033 38 587 4
Dae Pugh MIN 2036 34 153 4
Denilas Elorfirion DYS 2033 29 268 4
Link to Today's Stat
Stat of the Day List