SGCBL Stat of the Day

Most Seasons Between Home Runs
Player Seasons Gap
Geran Chiseltearer 2004-2013 9
Gisur Earthback 2006-2015 9
Muzhak the Straggler 2004-2012 8
Nieno Odling 2040-2048 8
Berilac Boffin 2006-2014 8
Gameoden Celadriendel 2025-2033 8
Blanco Tunnelly 2030-2037 7
Marcho Dogwood 2023-2030 7
Dejahja Anóndir 2004-2011 7
Higak Ettincrawler 2030-2037 7
Thaith Lómenduil 2006-2013 7
Kar Goblinmaster 2021-2028 7
Nicholas Pennypacker 2036-2043 7
Zubgugh Demoncooties 2037-2044 7
Wurrat the Crippler 2007-2014 7
Celeb The Cunning 2033-2040 7
Jaime Oresmith 2037-2044 7
Gafur Anvilworker 2025-2032 7
Petunia Buckland 2035-2042 7
Vrsuurg Swordtorturer 2009-2016 7
Link to Today's Stat
Stat of the Day List