SGCBL Stat of the Day

Most PAs without Walk
(Does not include pitchers)
Player Team Year Age PA
Tavja Celeoborn WT 2038 24 190
Huugdish Orcmaker NUM 2018 22 175
Pansy Moss LT 2019 24 158
Wirg Rage MI 2033 24 156
Haran Handwalker SV 2026 21 134
Primo Levi FR,EAR 2029 30 133
Matthew Briggs DAG 2014 29 126
Tavja Celeoborn MT 2041 27 115
Tavja Celeoborn MT 2044 30 112
Bafur Rockrender OF 2033 27 98
Glamli Earthcrusher RIV 2004 28 92
Lanai Badgermangler DAG 2037 30 92
Gleonyc Rubyeye GAL 2040 26 85
Kuudash Baro AND 2045 29 84
Petunia Buckland CAR 2035 23 82
Milorad Seraphim OZ 2045 21 81
Lanai Badgermangler DAG 2036 29 77
Vusin Tunnelworker WIL 2008 33 75
Rorag Knifebasher DUN 2006 31 74
Vofur Rockbreaker SV 2045 37 74
Link to Today's Stat
Stat of the Day List