Micheal Peña
Winnipeg Goldeyes (ML)
Micheal Peña
Sept. 16, 2050 (35 y, 9 m, 15 d)
Born In:
Glendale, AZ, USA
2072 Draft - Round: 1, Overall: 9, Team: Brooklyn Hoodrats
$29.25M / 3 years (2084-2086)
ML Service Time:
11 years, 37 days
Player Awards
Award Date Team
Pitcher of the Year 2074 (2nd) Scranton (NAL)
All-Star 2081 Brooklyn (OTM)
Gold Glove 2074 - P Scranton (NAL)
Rookie of the Month Sep 2075 Brooklyn (OTM)
Hall of Fame Metrics
Metric Score
Black Ink1
Grey Ink27
Similar Players (SP)
Note: See Baseball Reference formula (primary position)
Similar Thru Age 35
Leaderboard Appearances
Year GS Rank
2079 33 9
2080 34 4
Year IP Rank
2078 219.0 8
2079 210.0 6
2080 234.1 3
2081 204.1 10
Year BF Rank
2078 889 9
2079 933 4
2080 1031 1
2081 895 8
Year BB Rank
2078 77 7
2079 91 1
2080 116 2
Year K Rank
2080 152 7
Year WP Rank
2080 15 1
Year H/9 Rank
2078 7.315 7
Year CG Rank
2078 3 6
2080 1 4
2081 2 5
Year SHO Rank
2075 1 5
2078 3 1
2081 1 3
Year Hits Rank
2079 225 4
2080 234 3
Year Hits (Low) Rank
2077 168 8
Year HR (Low) Rank
2077 15 10
2078 9 2
2079 16 10
2080 10 2
2081 13 7
Year WAR Rank
2080 4.3 9
Year W (Low) Rank
2084 11 9
Year L (Low) Rank
2080 8 8