League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
PIL | POR : Stats & Leaders - Batting Register - Pitching Register - Fielding Register - Positional Leaderboards
Rookies - Drafted Players - Transactions Log - Injury Log
Antravious Akers 2040-2041 24 58 10 16 2 0 2 9 4 1 10 13 .276 .377 .414 .791
Stuart Beale 2040-2042 140 523 59 147 25 2 10 69 29 6 31 137 .281 .327 .394 .721
Curtis Bills 2040-2041 86 326 38 87 17 1 5 29 3 3 30 66 .267 .333 .371 .704
Mark Borunda 2040-2041 107 393 50 99 25 6 24 64 4 8 39 116 .252 .336 .529 .865
Darren Briggs 2040-2042 157 504 74 124 25 4 17 72 0 1 71 128 .246 .341 .413 .754
Erick Burchard 2040-2044 91 250 39 57 14 4 4 27 3 0 45 59 .228 .347 .364 .711
Lyle Callies 2040-2044 306 1157 139 303 95 3 20 144 5 0 93 284 .262 .316 .401 .717
Mike Campbell 2040-2041 101 365 32 79 19 1 5 31 0 0 42 107 .216 .302 .315 .617
Freddie Caraballo 2040-2040 23 84 13 30 1 1 2 13 1 0 10 8 .357 .426 .464 .890
Tavarreon Carmona 2040-2043 196 718 82 207 32 4 12 83 21 0 39 154 .288 .326 .394 .720
Parker Cook 2040-2043 203 702 76 171 40 1 21 93 1 0 77 143 .244 .316 .393 .709
Hayden Cooper 2040-2043 286 1147 159 346 55 18 7 99 60 28 112 247 .302 .368 .399 .767
Rocco de la Cruz 2040-2042 94 283 55 90 23 3 7 48 9 5 49 58 .318 .424 .495 .918
Braden Dew 2040-2041 30 94 12 20 7 0 2 12 0 0 14 15 .213 .312 .351 .663
Nelson Diamantopoulos 2040-2044 158 511 43 113 27 1 8 53 5 2 42 128 .221 .282 .325 .606
De-John Dominguez 2040-2043 163 569 68 148 57 6 9 61 5 0 53 170 .260 .329 .429 .758
Richard Duke 2040-2041 96 334 46 93 20 6 8 52 9 6 45 82 .278 .365 .446 .811
Payton Dutcher 2040-2044 282 914 120 237 72 2 18 112 1 0 100 251 .259 .334 .402 .736
Vin Edwards 2040-2040 19 79 14 32 6 0 0 5 0 0 6 15 .405 .447 .481 .928
Deonte Ellis 2040-2041 74 268 38 67 19 3 0 25 19 5 9 60 .250 .276 .343 .619
Julian Englund 2040-2040 35 116 16 31 5 2 4 20 0 1 16 28 .267 .356 .448 .804
Duane Evans 2040-2044 175 631 91 203 41 7 3 62 15 2 23 120 .322 .348 .423 .771
Gabriel Fischer 2040-2040 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 .000 .000 .000 .000
Josiah Foust 2040-2041 71 252 27 74 6 2 1 21 9 5 23 57 .294 .361 .345 .706
Axton Fujimoto 2040-2042 112 394 59 96 26 3 10 66 7 4 28 122 .244 .306 .401 .707
Evan Goddard 2040-2040 18 63 6 10 0 0 2 7 4 0 5 21 .159 .239 .254 .493
Arval Gutierrez 2040-2041 130 447 68 116 33 0 10 52 1 0 70 134 .260 .358 .400 .759
Mac Haney 2040-2043 180 634 64 185 33 1 2 60 0 0 56 96 .292 .356 .356 .713
Logan Harding 2040-2041 107 355 55 110 26 1 10 55 7 4 38 90 .310 .392 .473 .865
Will Harper 2040-2042 142 494 69 121 28 3 15 63 2 1 68 123 .245 .347 .405 .752
Tyler Herbert 2040-2041 23 67 8 21 7 0 0 10 1 0 8 14 .313 .387 .418 .805
Hayden Ingram 2040-2043 155 505 62 144 45 2 10 67 2 2 82 127 .285 .400 .442 .841
Julian Irwin 2040-2042 195 631 80 171 50 5 13 91 7 6 72 154 .271 .349 .428 .777
Bernard Jen 2040-2044 285 1027 137 258 111 6 11 156 15 8 119 272 .251 .336 .403 .739
Dane Jennings 2040-2043 85 261 30 74 24 2 4 40 4 1 11 54 .284 .317 .437 .753
Maurice Johnson 2040-2042 216 823 117 194 31 9 17 105 29 7 79 193 .236 .307 .357 .664
Branson Kerr 2040-2044 228 799 133 254 59 1 20 137 0 0 137 143 .318 .422 .469 .891
Tyler Landry 2040-2042 95 335 36 72 17 4 5 48 0 0 43 78 .215 .303 .334 .637
Dudley Magana 2040-2041 89 336 43 88 22 0 9 43 0 0 45 73 .262 .351 .408 .758
Benjamin Maguire 2040-2041 66 228 26 54 22 0 2 35 0 1 23 70 .237 .310 .360 .670
Frederic Mavromihali 2040-2043 160 599 78 162 35 10 5 67 1 3 44 137 .270 .340 .387 .727
Brian McAuliffe 2040-2044 172 510 57 134 34 0 5 51 1 0 47 111 .263 .327 .359 .686
David McCullough 2040-2041 129 478 76 131 33 0 17 81 3 1 47 125 .274 .345 .450 .794
Chase Mekus 2040-2041 85 283 33 74 15 4 5 31 1 2 37 68 .261 .348 .396 .743
James Messina 2040-2041 85 309 47 89 24 0 15 45 0 0 30 75 .288 .352 .511 .863
Joseph Metro 2040-2041 124 457 54 131 25 3 4 51 10 5 39 94 .287 .346 .381 .727
Elijah Milone 2040-2042 152 527 58 140 34 4 3 42 3 2 63 139 .266 .343 .362 .706
Stanton Munos 2040-2041 75 279 39 88 15 2 7 28 4 9 30 48 .315 .385 .459 .843
Bryson North 2040-2042 160 592 76 136 29 2 5 61 0 0 52 139 .230 .300 .311 .610
Brian Pace 2040-2040 50 182 24 55 11 0 3 26 0 0 23 44 .302 .388 .412 .800
Jim Palin 2040-2043 218 744 90 183 41 12 19 102 14 6 58 214 .246 .299 .410 .709
Cade Pechacek 2040-2044 111 260 22 69 13 1 7 31 0 0 41 70 .265 .367 .404 .771
Andy Petta 2040-2041 42 127 14 33 8 1 0 15 0 0 16 22 .260 .352 .339 .690
Corbyn Pi 2040-2041 70 234 28 62 21 0 4 32 0 1 28 52 .265 .348 .406 .754
Tatum Potratz 2040-2043 171 603 83 193 45 2 6 79 1 0 72 89 .320 .389 .431 .820
James Reed 2040-2043 221 778 78 177 49 0 17 84 3 2 49 194 .228 .276 .356 .632
Dennell Rice 2040-2040 73 275 30 70 21 0 7 40 1 1 24 53 .255 .314 .407 .721
Eppa Romero 2040-2041 154 567 74 151 39 2 12 78 1 0 52 169 .266 .347 .406 .752
Elden Sakamoto 2040-2040 49 154 29 46 12 1 3 20 2 6 38 35 .299 .452 .448 .900
Beaumont Sanchez 2040-2044 204 574 75 153 30 12 15 80 20 15 74 135 .267 .353 .439 .792
Tyrek Schaaf 2040-2043 188 667 90 180 32 3 29 120 1 4 69 142 .270 .352 .457 .809
Erik Shubert 2040-2041 134 559 77 189 30 3 21 93 3 0 39 97 .338 .382 .515 .897
Anderson Speer 2040-2041 130 424 36 94 24 1 0 21 0 1 37 144 .222 .302 .283 .585
Shawn St. John 2040-2043 181 554 49 104 30 1 4 52 16 9 49 166 .188 .267 .267 .534
Brad Stewart 2040-2042 65 93 17 31 3 0 1 14 9 5 4 22 .333 .367 .398 .765
Turell Taylor 2040-2041 137 454 49 111 28 0 1 48 1 0 54 112 .244 .337 .313 .649
Roman Toguchi 2040-2043 258 935 129 217 83 0 15 106 4 0 120 257 .232 .329 .369 .698
Aaren Torres 2040-2042 188 696 106 184 36 5 17 86 22 6 68 171 .264 .334 .404 .738
Traevis van Dijk 2040-2041 80 306 44 91 22 4 2 35 2 0 25 77 .297 .358 .415 .773
Kruize Velazquez 2040-2043 199 573 72 133 34 2 7 57 28 6 41 134 .232 .286 .335 .621
Tyson Velez 2040-2043 40 146 11 47 12 1 0 13 3 1 6 34 .322 .344 .418 .762
Victor Weast 2040-2043 214 660 73 148 38 12 3 54 35 14 57 156 .224 .287 .332 .619
Cody West 2040-2042 72 163 19 45 6 0 4 15 14 5 11 45 .276 .330 .387 .716
Ty Wiersma 2040-2043 168 512 56 100 32 0 12 60 0 0 82 154 .195 .307 .328 .635
Socrates Williamson 2040-2043 113 240 44 66 11 3 3 39 29 8 64 52 .275 .435 .383 .818
Arthur Wilson 2040-2041 155 536 32 77 29 1 6 39 0 0 41 168 .144 .208 .235 .443
Lucas Wilson 2040-2044 211 703 68 169 51 5 6 87 0 0 62 155 .240 .306 .353 .659
Tyshawn Yalçin 2040-2041 45 136 10 16 5 0 2 12 0 0 6 45 .118 .166 .199 .364
Phil Adams 2040-2041 3 6 .333 4.92 39 6 0 0 1 71.1 76 39 5 35 40
Ryan Anderson 2040-2043 13 12 .520 3.47 43 43 0 0 0 228.0 217 88 9 77 197
Frank Arter 2040-2041 11 4 .733 1.97 27 27 0 0 0 155.1 109 34 10 33 199
Twymond Atif 2040-2040 2 1 .667 1.42 26 0 0 0 7 57.0 33 9 1 19 76
Brett Bjur 2040-2040 0 0 .000 0.00 2 0 0 0 0 1.2 2 0 1 0 2
L.J. Brewer 2040-2041 11 6 .647 3.33 29 22 0 0 0 127.0 117 47 7 51 158
Russell Brooks 2040-2040 1 0 1.000 4.50 1 0 0 0 0 2.0 3 1 0 1 1
Benjamin Brown 2040-2041 2 2 .500 3.41 20 0 0 0 1 31.2 31 12 2 15 35
Powell Bush 2040-2040 1 2 .333 5.89 4 4 0 0 0 18.1 23 12 0 6 23
Ryan Callen 2040-2041 2 5 .286 3.57 36 0 0 0 25 40.1 42 16 3 11 46
Jamie Chaffee 2040-2041 4 4 .500 3.02 19 0 0 0 0 62.2 45 21 5 17 66
Donavon Chafin 2040-2041 5 3 .625 2.08 52 0 0 0 20 65.0 34 15 3 29 101
Jaden Chatman 2040-2043 8 6 .571 4.04 36 20 1 1 2 167.0 148 75 6 59 145
Jarad Chavez 2040-2040 5 6 .455 2.59 21 18 0 0 0 97.1 85 28 4 31 93
Rico Cherry 2040-2040 0 0 .000 18.00 6 0 0 0 0 1.0 4 2 0 0 1
Oumar Conde 2040-2042 6 9 .400 3.19 61 0 0 0 32 67.2 62 24 2 36 85
Quinn DePoy 2040-2040 0 0 .000 2.38 4 0 0 0 1 11.1 11 3 1 3 11
Juston Dickson 2040-2040 1 1 .500 2.20 10 0 0 0 0 16.1 17 4 1 13 23
Stan Dotson 2040-2043 7 7 .500 2.40 67 29 0 0 3 168.2 137 45 10 59 176
Riley Easley 2040-2044 9 10 .474 3.60 32 28 1 0 0 160.0 142 64 10 56 142
Colten Efird 2040-2040 2 0 1.000 1.47 11 0 0 0 1 18.1 14 3 0 6 23
Devin Ertz 2040-2041 4 3 .571 1.50 28 0 0 0 3 48.0 37 8 1 22 50
Anton Flores 2040-2042 3 12 .200 3.89 31 29 0 0 0 129.2 134 56 5 42 132
Ishmael Frugoni 2040-2042 1 2 .333 2.17 40 0 0 0 3 99.1 78 24 2 29 108
Orien Fuentes 2040-2041 10 10 .500 3.78 35 35 0 0 0 195.0 188 82 14 61 171
Coby Garcia 2040-2041 2 1 .667 3.20 29 0 0 0 0 25.1 21 9 3 7 29
Sawyer Giacoma 2040-2041 7 0 1.000 2.07 29 0 0 0 1 95.2 67 22 12 31 137
Shannon Goins 2040-2042 9 3 .750 3.05 61 0 0 0 13 73.2 67 25 5 28 75
Scott Gomez 2040-2041 1 0 1.000 3.82 18 0 0 0 1 30.2 23 13 2 16 51
Cristian Gosnell 2040-2041 2 2 .500 3.22 34 0 0 0 5 50.1 36 18 4 16 47
Amari Hernandez 2040-2041 1 2 .333 1.51 25 1 0 0 9 35.2 31 6 0 14 28
Griffin Heustis 2040-2041 9 2 .818 2.38 22 19 0 0 0 109.2 119 29 4 43 86
Jaxon Hinton 2040-2044 28 16 .636 4.27 70 54 0 0 0 326.2 353 155 25 121 282
Johnathan Holt 2040-2041 8 7 .533 3.49 23 23 1 1 0 136.2 123 53 10 63 153
Jae'Sean Ismael 2040-2040 4 2 .667 3.58 11 11 0 0 0 55.1 48 22 4 17 60
Louis Johnson 2040-2044 8 17 .320 3.14 139 0 0 0 77 152.0 130 53 21 71 177
Weston Jones 2040-2040 0 0 .000 0.00 3 0 0 0 3 3.0 2 0 0 1 3
Murphy Jopp 2040-2040 1 4 .200 4.38 25 0 0 0 13 24.2 28 12 1 11 32
Tyson Keplinger 2040-2041 2 1 .667 4.00 32 0 0 0 1 45.0 54 20 3 8 51
Burl Kesti 2040-2041 3 0 1.000 2.72 27 0 0 0 8 36.1 24 11 2 15 45
Jim Klein 2040-2041 4 1 .800 2.35 21 4 0 0 1 38.1 21 10 0 20 48
Braden Leiby 2040-2041 3 5 .375 5.26 15 15 0 0 0 63.1 65 37 6 41 60
Tom Lemings 2040-2040 3 4 .429 3.97 9 9 0 0 0 47.2 52 21 3 10 59
Broderick Lindsay 2040-2041 5 2 .714 4.27 22 0 0 0 1 46.1 36 22 1 18 58
Avery Lindsey 2040-2041 6 4 .600 1.63 61 0 0 0 26 66.1 43 12 3 34 95
Brendan Linnett 2040-2043 25 11 .694 3.48 100 1 0 0 5 237.2 223 92 16 111 270
Phil Loew 2040-2040 0 2 .000 8.10 2 0 0 0 0 3.1 7 3 2 2 3
Chaz Looney 2040-2043 10 21 .323 4.42 75 53 0 0 4 246.1 251 121 18 132 253
Lukas Lorey 2040-2043 6 13 .316 3.60 77 14 0 0 20 152.2 154 61 11 58 145
Justin Malakowsky 2040-2044 10 23 .303 4.76 77 68 0 0 2 272.0 282 144 17 146 274
Elmer Martin 2040-2042 5 6 .455 3.86 62 0 0 0 31 58.1 63 25 4 31 67
Joe Mizell 2040-2041 1 1 .500 3.96 19 0 0 0 0 36.1 33 16 2 12 47
Brogan Moreno 2040-2042 8 12 .400 3.31 39 16 1 1 2 122.1 120 45 4 48 117
Darvin Moton 2040-2040 1 0 1.000 0.00 8 0 0 0 4 10.0 5 0 0 1 11
Reese Noble 2040-2044 11 19 .367 4.18 66 53 0 0 1 288.2 289 134 11 139 272
Lexus Planas 2040-2041 9 4 .692 3.03 21 21 0 0 0 107.0 101 36 6 32 100
Braden Ramirez 2040-2042 10 5 .667 2.76 33 24 0 0 0 153.1 138 47 10 75 89
Dominic Ramos 2040-2041 2 0 1.000 1.88 21 0 0 0 1 38.1 28 8 2 10 57
Ellis Sa'eed 2040-2044 22 22 .500 3.44 77 77 0 0 0 366.1 334 140 24 158 315
Bayard Sabola 2040-2043 11 27 .289 4.95 61 59 0 0 0 276.1 329 152 20 152 150
Cory Schnur 2040-2041 3 1 .750 2.96 28 0 0 0 2 27.1 30 9 2 8 31
Jordy Simpson 2040-2041 7 4 .636 2.55 60 0 0 0 35 67.0 58 19 2 40 68
Zed Sobiech 2040-2040 1 2 .333 6.43 3 3 0 0 0 14.0 22 10 2 6 16
Cole Socia 2040-2041 11 11 .500 5.33 28 28 1 0 0 157.0 185 93 16 58 131
Jamie Sokolowski 2040-2041 6 0 1.000 1.33 10 8 0 0 1 54.0 28 8 2 26 67
Dave Spalding 2040-2042 11 13 .458 5.29 40 26 0 0 0 153.0 206 90 7 71 72
Hallice Stover 2040-2041 10 11 .476 4.28 29 29 0 0 0 159.2 165 76 18 44 117
Livingston Swails 2040-2040 1 0 1.000 2.45 4 0 0 0 0 11.0 12 3 0 6 7
E.C. Taylor 2040-2041 9 3 .750 3.30 31 0 0 0 2 73.2 73 27 3 31 80
Kyle Taylor 2040-2043 12 20 .375 4.71 59 50 0 0 1 254.0 287 133 7 101 176
Zack Timlin 2040-2044 6 11 .353 5.94 67 21 0 0 12 153.0 177 101 16 71 180
Stevie van Oorschot 2040-2041 3 5 .375 3.22 30 9 0 0 11 64.1 54 23 2 26 66
James Vannoy 2040-2040 1 0 1.000 0.55 3 2 0 0 0 16.1 7 1 1 2 20
Joseph Wells 2040-2040 1 0 1.000 1.96 10 0 0 0 0 18.1 14 4 0 8 20
Justice White 2040-2043 22 6 .786 3.25 51 49 1 0 0 288.0 249 104 20 96 212
Paul Willen 2040-2041 2 3 .400 1.96 23 0 0 0 10 23.0 19 5 1 9 25
Gabriel Williams 2040-2040 5 3 .625 3.59 10 10 0 0 0 57.2 50 23 3 19 56
Coby Wood 2040-2040 0 0 .000 0.00 5 0 0 0 4 4.2 4 0 0 5 3
Marvin Worthington 2040-2040 7 1 .875 2.20 12 12 0 0 0 69.2 70 17 5 14 70
LaVaughan Yuan 2040-2043 14 10 .583 2.22 31 31 3 1 0 186.1 162 46 9 61 164
158 Players
Powered by: Out of the Park Developments, Out of the Park Baseball, Franchise Hockey Manager
Sunday, March 9th , 2025 - OOTP Baseball 25.11 Build 103