Ratings Changes |
2031-07-28 |
Scouting Accuracy decreased from Average to Low
2031-06-01 |
Weight increased from 186 to 187
2031-04-04 |
Avoid Ks Potential increased from 35 to 40
2031-02-28 |
Weight decreased from 188 to 186
2030-12-23 |
Weight increased from 187 to 188
2030-11-16 |
Outfield Arm decreased from 40 to 35
2030-10-17 |
Weight decreased from 188 to 187
2030-08-12 |
BABIP Potential decreased from 55 to 50
2030-05-13 |
Weight decreased from 189 to 188
2030-04-22 |
Weight decreased from 190 to 189