Ratings Changes |
2031-07-28 |
Scouting Accuracy decreased from Average to Low
2031-07-07 |
Weight increased from 175 to 176
2031-06-30 |
Weight decreased from 176 to 175
2031-06-16 |
Infield Error increased from 35 to 40
Outfield Error increased from 50 to 55
1B defense increased from 25 to 30
CF defense increased from 0 to 20
CF DF Potential increased from 0 to 20
Scouting Accuracy increased from Low to Average
2031-04-14 |
Weight increased from 175 to 176
2031-04-04 |
Scouting Accuracy decreased from Average to Low
2031-02-28 |
Speed increased from 30 to 35
Infield Error decreased from 40 to 35
Outfield Arm increased from 60 to 65
RF DF Potential increased from 45 to 50
BABIP Potential increased from 40 to 45
Scouting Accuracy increased from Low to Average
Weight increased from 174 to 175
2030-12-23 |
Weight increased from 173 to 174
2030-07-15 |
Weight increased from 172 to 173
2030-07-08 |
Weight decreased from 173 to 172
2030-07-01 |
Gap Potential decreased from 50 to 45
LF DF Potential increased from 45 to 50
2030-03-29 |
Contact Potential increased from 40 to 45
Weight increased from 172 to 173
2029-12-28 |
Weight increased from 170 to 172
Height increased from 182 to 183
2029-10-29 |
Weight decreased from 171 to 170