League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
1978 47-73 Camarco Ge Hood Hood White Carballo
1979 74-46 Camarco Ge Hood Hood White Carballo
1980 73-47 Camarco Ge Hood Hood White Carballo
1981 70-50 Camarco Ge Hood Hood White Carballo
1982 68-52 Camarco Ge Hood Hood White Carballo
1983 66-54 Camarco Ge Hood Hood White Carballo
1984 75-45 Camarco Ge Hood Hood White Carballo
1985 59-61 Camarco Ge Hood Hood White Carballo
1986 51-69 Camarco Ge Hood Hood White Carballo
1987 54-66 Camarco Ge Hood Hood White Carballo
1988 66-54 Camarco Ge Hood Hood White Carballo
1989 41-79 Camarco Ge Hood Hood White Carballo
1990 70-50 Camarco Ge Hood Hood White Carballo
1991 78-42 Camarco Ge Hood Hood White Carballo
1992 71-49 Camarco Vargo Wills Wills Wills Shields Flynn Celedon
1993 65-55 Camarco Wells Wells Carlson Wills Salas Johnston Pickersgill
1994 66-54 Camarco Vargo Sawtelle Farmer Vargo Salas Johnston Pickersgill
1995 55-67 Camarco Farmer Sawtelle Farmer Vargo Salas Johnston Pickersgill
1996 57-63 Camarco Ramos Sawtelle Ramos Connor Salas Simpson Simpson
1997 38-82 Torres Connor Sawtelle Ramos Connor Rowe Garcia Simpson
1998 55-65 Torres Connor Connor Connor Connor Rowe Rowe Simpson
1999 56-64 Torres Clark Connor Connor Connor Rowe Rowe Garcia
2000 76-44 Torres Cernuschi Connor Patella Martinez Rowe LaSalle Rowe
2001 82-38 Ray Cernuschi Patella Patella Louis Tavarez Moreno Tavarez
2002 76-44 Thompson Cernuschi Torres Patella Patella Tavarez Tavarez Casillas
2003 74-47 Thompson Tavarez Torres Angeles Angeles Armenta Stone Tavarez
2004 69-51 Stout Tavarez Torres Angeles Angeles Stone Tavarez Armenta
2005 58-62 Stout Tavarez Torres Angeles Angeles Stone Kimura Armenta
2006 53-67 Rocco Tavarez Fish Angeles Fish Falls Kimura Armenta
2007 69-51 Stout Overton Fish Fish Milledge Falls Kimura Takahashi
2008 63-57 Faust Harren Fish Fish Milledge Takahashi Milledge Takahashi
2009 67-53 Faust Harren Fish Fish Fish Rowe Burda Rowe
2010 71-49 Faust Bilden Vicente Vicente Vicente Vicente Burda Burda
2011 68-52 Faust Margulies Lopez Paton Johnson Margulies Thorpe Burda
2012 71-49 Faust Margulies Lopez Vicente Johnson Margulies Thorpe Margulies
2013 38-82 Faust Dicks Compton Vicente Vicente Margulies Dicks Dicks
2014 49-71 Rocco Paley Compton Pequeno Ashley Margulies Dicks Margulies
2015 41-79 Rocco Paley Robinson Lingo Taylor Harrington Dicks Dicks
2016 45-75 Salvino Burke Woehl Lingo Cox Lingo Brown Brown
2017 63-59 Burke Durham Cox de Leon Cox Lingo Brown Woehl
2018 68-52 Burke Robinson Beck de Leon Miller Crouch Adams Ward
2019 66-55 Burke Moore Beck Ward Kintzer Crouch Robinson Anderson
2020 62-58 Wells Betty Page Kintzer Kintzer Crouch Teel Lyons
2021 62-58 Wells Lyons Page Kintzer Tripp Kintzer Teel Lyons
2022 63-57 Lynch Lyons Page Kintzer Ryman Smith Teel Uva
2023 56-64 Lynch Belfiore Page Daniels Mooney Smith Teel Carr
2024 61-59 Lynch Guo Binda Wilson Mooney Smith Smith Cant
2025 58-62 Rogers Binda Binda Wilson Mooney Ballew Smith Schumacher
2026 63-57 Rogers Binda Anderson Anderson Mooney Anderson Weir Schumacher
2027 63-57 Goudy Howe Goudy Anderson Anderson Anderson Weir Anderson
2028 60-60 Goudy Howe Goudy Benoit Goudy Howe Weir Dominguez
2029 61-59 Goudy Howe Benoit Foster Goudy Howe Dominguez Benoit
2030 57-63 Lacy Dominguez Potts Potts Goudy Ferris Dominguez Dominguez
2031 42-78 Lacy Smith Potts Montie Goudy Ferris Cortez Kearney
2032 65-55 Lacy Smith Potts Montie Goudy Ferris Cortez Montie
2033 43-77 Lacy Wood Potts Montie Goudy Cortez Cortez Montie
2034 64-56 Lacy Wood Potts Montie Pallavicini Pallavicini Cortez Montie
2035 69-51 Lacy Wood Patton Patton Pallavicini Pallavicini Cortez Kim
2036 32-88 Kim Wood Ruiz Rowland Otanez Kim Harrison Harrison
2037 50-70 Croitoru Ostermeyer Rowland Rowland Hullinger Wiersum Harrison Harrison
2038 60-60 Croitoru Maring Benitez Rowland Hullinger Wiersum Harrison Harrison
2039 66-54 Croitoru Benitez Benitez Benitez Formaro Wiersum Shadbolt Shadbolt
2040 55-65 Cates Formaro Urcuyo Wiersum Formaro Formaro Shadbolt Shadbolt
2041 68-52 Cates Formaro Dickel Pastor Formaro Berube Shadbolt Cunningham
2042 63-57 Garcia Pastor Dickel Pastor Pastor Cunningham Roberts Berube
2043 67-53 Garcia Milone Dickel Dickel Pumarejo Cook Cunningham Cunningham
2044 68-52 Oakley Milone Brantley Goldring Goldring Milone Cunningham Milone
2045 72-48 Greenidge Turner Brantley Jeffress Goranson Milone Mann Milone
2046 64-56 Frawley Turner Morgan Jeffress Goranson Jackson Pitre Mann
2047 65-55 Greenidge Petit Murphy Jackson Wilkerson Aouita Pitre Mann
2048 65-55 Vasta Petit Murphy Murphy Wilkerson Zhào Ndale Zhào
2049 83-37 Vasta Petit Maldonado Manning Manning Zhào Montoya Montoya
2050 69-51 Vasta Petit Manning Manning Souza Hart Setko Setko
2051 88-32 Vasta Prock Souza Manning Souza Small Small Merica
2052 69-51 Ames Price Souza Manning Souza Merica Cain Solomon
2053 70-50 Ames Howland Souza Howland Papanicolaou Merica Wovchanoff Cain
2054 56-64 Marquez Marquez Souza Howland Papanicolaou Merica Wovchanoff Cain
2055 56-64 Holzschuh Marquez Snyder Greene Papanicolaou Allen Wovchanoff Allen
2056 56-64 Holzschuh Marquez Snyder Snyder Turpening Turner Wovchanoff James
2057 70-50 Holzschuh Marquez Snyder Rockow Turpening Turner Cruz Stiso
2058 52-68 Richards Kropp Rockow Moore Rockow Bernard Hamblin Stiso
2059 63-57 Bryant Kropp Elliott Weeks Weeks Bernard Hamblin Portillo
2060 56-64 Jenkins Kennedy Elliott Rockow Stewart D'Agosta Ranson Boulmerka
2061 65-55 Lysinger Kennedy Novak Polly Stewart Costner Ranson Hayes
2062 71-49 Robinson Brooks Tarry Polly Tarry Costner Overton D'Agosta
2063 61-59 Borger James Tarry Mays Bei King Ritsch Hintz
2064 0-0 Borger James Tarry Mays Bei King Ritsch Hintz
87 years 45 players 71 players 80 players 85 players 71 players 90 players 81 players 97 players
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