League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
Team Index | Draft History | Starters: Positional - Pitchers | Registers: Batters - Pitchers | Leaders: Batters - Pitchers
Year C 1B 2B 3B SS LF CF RF
1978 75-55 Rothwell Guzman Guzman
1979 81-49 Rothwell Guzman Guzman Guzman
1980 79-51 Rothwell Guzman Guzman Guzman
1981 61-69 Rothwell Guzman Guzman Guzman
1982 73-57 Rothwell Guzman Guzman Guzman
1983 63-67 Rothwell Guzman Guzman Guzman
1984 73-57 Rothwell Guzman Guzman Guzman
1985 56-74 Rothwell Guzman Guzman Guzman
1986 58-72 Rothwell Guzman Guzman Guzman
1987 59-71 Rothwell Guzman Guzman Guzman
1988 59-71 Rothwell Guzman Guzman Guzman
1989 64-66 Rothwell Guzman Guzman Guzman
1990 71-59 Rothwell Guzman Guzman Guzman
1991 65-65 Rothwell Guzman Guzman Guzman
1992 57-73 Cabrera Chong Orr O'Rourke Pargas Williams Pérez Rollins
1993 44-86 Miller Chong Orr Benton Ashley Urra Pérez Miller
1994 61-69 Gould Rodríguez Christian Benton Wills Herrera Karume Chong
1995 46-84 Gould Chong Paige Fraqua Wills Karume Karume Karume
1996 45-85 Gould Wills Reyes Wills Chong Roy Roy Roy
1997 41-89 Paige Gutierrez Hernandez Wills Wills Gutierrez McPherson Gutierrez
1998 41-89 Howard Hernandez Harwood Fraqua Gutierrez Gutierrez Germain Germain
1999 53-77 Howard Hernandez Paige Richardson Taureda Ashley Ashley Johnson
2000 48-82 Robles Loftin Hernandez Loftin Taureda Crawford Galbavy Johnson
2001 47-83 Brown Reyes Reyes Loftin Harwood Aparicio Aparicio Johnson
2002 54-76 Loftin Richardson Harwood Richardson Martinez Moran Banks Loftin
2003 34-96 Loftin Cernuschi Tyson Harwood Harwood Silva Linseman Silva
2004 60-70 Siciliano Cernuschi Martinez Burrell Velazquez Bentley Bentley Loftin
2005 76-54 Siciliano Lopez Wentworth Wentworth Bingham LaSalle Schraeder Lopez
2006 57-73 Siciliano Acuna Martinez Acuna Bingham Schraeder Valenzuela Valenzuela
2007 63-67 Siciliano Kemp Jones Acuna Martinez Mathews Martinez Mojica
2008 70-60 Haney Kemp Jones Keadle Martinez Villarroel Martinez Mojica
2009 53-77 Matsuyama Cervantes Sanchez Sanchez Martinez Mathews Gutierrez Martinez
2010 59-71 Ziehm Mitchell Garcia Garcia Moreno Thomas Mojica Vawter
2011 53-77 Matsuyama Aviles Harren Martinez Correa Connolly Mathews Carr
2012 48-82 Franco Darna McMillen Severo Moore Mandujano Burdick Rogers
2013 63-67 Franco Payette Jones Bennett Bennett Glover Correa Rogers
2014 73-57 Franco Payette Moore Ryu Moore Jimenez Heard Rogers
2015 82-48 McCarthy Grafing McMillen Ryu Frazier Martin Barber Clark
2016 77-53 Smith Bjerke Frazier Boxwell Larson Martin Côté Clark
2017 54-66 Riggs Bjerke Boxwell Manning Larson Clark Côté Davis
2018 73-47 Riggs Miller Boxwell Jerome Barnard Clark Davis Clark
2019 56-64 Riggs Grafing Boxwell Riechers Bankston Clark Williams Clark
2020 68-52 Williams Murphy Cyphers Manning Yoder Robichaux Okamoto Miller
2021 70-50 Flowers Murphy Ellul Manning Cyphers Kelley Long Leiden
2022 48-72 Flowers Murphy Ellul Dail Fisher Leiden Frank McMaster
2023 73-47 Dougherty Murphy Riechers Madere Armbruster Kelley Long Small
2024 68-52 Mitchell Van Benschoten Congleton Madere Armbruster Hanson Kanno Small
2025 57-63 Elliott Elliott Ward Madere Aitken McKendree Smith Small
2026 37-83 Carey Lindsey Botting Madere Aitken Smith Saito Downward
2027 68-53 Flowers Bright Botting Workman Workman Smith Smith Gammon
2028 62-58 Lewis Bright Armbruster Workman Parks Whitaker Zhào Asiku
2029 63-57 Carey Mitchell Rene Baker Stanley Chrzanowski Kanno Chrzanowski
2030 65-55 Rearden Bright Stanley Perreault Giese Krantz Bright Krantz
2031 66-54 Nichols Bright Giese Dulmaine Stanley Smith Howard Howard
2032 76-44 Nichols Stoltenberg Stanley Montiel Montiel Pritchard Kym Joiner
2033 68-52 Dougherty Goode Montiel Stanley Kearse Bolyard Shi Pritchard
2034 56-64 Crouter Goode Stanley Castrillon Kearse Morton Morton Pritchard
2035 60-60 Mattes Stoltenberg Stanley Mallen Parks Bunch Shaw Williams
2036 74-46 Kifimbo Buenaventura Hupe Hishida Hupe Pograjac Shaw Schumacher
2037 65-55 Kifimbo Caldara McCann Long McCann Garrone Shaw Shaw
2038 68-52 Nicholson Caldara Cobb Mallen Cobb Galbrecht Delgado Doyle
2039 64-56 Kifimbo Morgan McCann Mallen Cobb Garrone Watson Janssen
2040 62-58 Bingham Timms Berger Cobb Cobb McDaniel Sotelo LaDell
2041 58-62 Bingham Bolyard Castillo Castillo Castillo Lang Watson van der Ven
2042 49-71 Covington Moore Makuch Castillo Castillo Lang Nusic Rojas
2043 80-40 Suarez Watters Makuch Daniels Hampton Latti Richardson Yang
2044 81-39 Gregory Moore Hicks Howard Richardson Henton Gates Beale
2045 65-55 Kahn Biggi Berger Morrison McDonald Henton Gates LaDell
2046 56-64 Kahn Biggi Berger Hicks Hampton Henton West Stevens
2047 62-58 Maniaci Moore Sakamoto Swart Mazzei Gatti Howard Stevens
2048 66-54 Caufield Hasselbach Tyndall Urcuyo Mazzei Henton Perez Townsend
2049 46-74 Bentley Zimmerman Mazzei Swart Mazzei Gatti Sartin Sartin
2050 64-56 Bentley Zimmerman Bremen Sneed Stewart Gatti Stevens Stevens
2051 58-62 Bentley Zimmerman Nolan Sneed Frick Gatti Foley Stapley
2052 75-45 Bentley Zimmerman Dolata Sneed Stewart Barnett Alvarez Maloney
2053 59-61 Bentley Zimmerman Stewart Evans Stewart Barnett Barnett Deal
2054 62-58 Kovacevic Zimmerman Suddreth McLaren Reinisch Taylor Spada Milone
2055 71-49 Kovacevic Zimmerman Visser Jeffress Reinisch Taylor Crisp Milone
2056 70-50 Bergin Jeffress Daly Nagelhout Reinisch Collins Crisp Nagelhout
2057 46-74 Bergin O'Brien Suddreth Troke Reinisch Abbasi Abbasi Norwood
2058 60-60 Bergin Shad Toone Troke Toone Cotto Brinkley May
2059 50-70 Bergin Shad Monyagishali Troke Toone Cotto Seevers May
2060 47-73 Gangemi Franklin Toone Troke Auerbach Taylor Seevers May
2061 51-69 Gangemi Franklin Bunkley Elerson Johnson Williams Peek Haislip
2062 45-75 Patterson Franklin Monyagishali Nagelhout Joseph Cotto Curley Solomon
2063 56-64 Patterson Wick Joseph Brown Bunkley Williams Curley Haislip
2064 0-0 Patterson Wick Joseph Brown Bunkley Williams Curley Haislip
87 years 77 players 168 players 154 players 155 players 137 players 177 players 156 players 179 players
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