SGCBL Stat of the Day

Most Seasons Between Stolen Bases
Player Seasons Gap
Hildibrand Bridger 2028-2042 14
Wilo Headhater 2023-2037 14
Gollilmer Armorshaker 2025-2036 11
Gundabald Bunce 2007-2017 10
Olo Bats 2023-2032 9
Husil Grudgebinder 2010-2019 9
Naggek Facestomper 2039-2048 9
Nomli Ringkiller 2008-2017 9
Aermhar Nightstar 2039-2048 9
Sing Koboldbasher 2030-2039 9
Grok the Profound 2008-2016 8
Freadoc Earorfilith 2031-2039 8
Eimer Eärüviel 2024-2032 8
Ferdinand Roper 2035-2043 8
Harold Long 2026-2034 8
Isumbras Trample 2026-2034 8
Podush Ratclaw 2029-2037 8
Gaman Eowalas 2004-2012 8
Bill Sandyman 2038-2046 8
Rhedry Scimitar 2018-2026 8
Link to Today's Stat
Stat of the Day List