a - H. De Sado pinch hit for C. Etheridge in the 5th
b - N. Nelson substituted for R. Steans in the 5th
c - D. Nader substituted for H. Lâm in the 5th
d - R. González substituted for A. Arenas in the 5th
e - M. Amador substituted for H. De Sado in the 5th
f - M. Suzuki pinch hit for R. Sotomayor in the 6th
g - O. Lucca inserted as DH in the 6th
h - K. Griggs substituted for M. Johnston in the 6th
i - N. Barbarino substituted for M. Suzuki in the 6th
j - J. Che-moh pinch hit for I. Abu Jibal in the 7th
k - J. Trinidad substituted for J. Che-moh in the 7th
l - R. Lamaz pinch hit for L. Antuñez in the 8th
m - A. Mercado pinch hit for M. Amador in the 8th
n - B. Ramos substituted for A. Mercado in the 8th
o - P. Vazquez pinch hit for J. Trinidad in the 9th
p - M. Hessenius pinch hit for K. Griggs in the 9th
q - A. Jutanugarn pinch hit for D. Nader in the 9th
r - V. Ozuna pinch hit for R. González in the 9th
C. Etheridge
(7, 1st Inning off B. Norris, 0 on, 0 outs)
R. Steans
(4, 3rd Inning off B. Norris, 0 on, 2 outs)
R. Sotomayor
(3, 3rd Inning off B. Norris, 1 on, 2 outs)
Total Bases:
C. Etheridge
R. Steans
R. Sotomayor
2-out RBI:
R. Sotomayor
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
S. Castro
O. Lucca
Sac Fly:
R. Sotomayor
Team LOB:
N. Nelson
R. Lamaz
a - B. Castilla substituted for G. Tucker in the 5th
b - A. Morga substituted for L. Gergely in the 5th
c - D. Meyer substituted for U. Kitaphat in the 5th
d - P. Thao pinch hit for M. Curtis in the 5th
e - R. Nabor substituted for C. Guerra in the 6th
f - M. Good inserted as DH in the 6th
g - D. Jos substituted for J. Bailey in the 7th
h - R. Aleman pinch hit for J. Norris in the 7th
i - R. Navarro pinch hit for P. Thao in the 8th
j - W. Navarrette substituted for R. Navarro in the 9th
R. Nabor
(2, 8th Inning off N. Arreola, 3 on, 2 outs)
Total Bases:
M. Curtis
J. Bailey
L. Elias
M. Good
U. Kitaphat
R. Nabor
2-out RBI:
R. Nabor
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
L. Gergely
R. Aleman
Hit by Pitch:
D. Meyer
Team LOB:
M. Curtis
P. Thao
R. Aleman